Wake’s Day

Wake's Day colored cover

QuickTurtle Book’s® Wake’s Day is now available in the iBook Store.  This is the first book in The QuickTurtle Fun and Learning Series for young readers.

Wake is a young QuickTurtle® with a busy day.  He has things to do and things to see.  Join him on his QuickTurtle® journey into help and play.

Richard Rensberry, Author at QuickTurtle Books®.

4 thoughts on “Wake’s Day

  1. richardrensberry June 22, 2015 / 4:36 am

    I appreciate your thoughts. I have a two and a couple months old grandson. He has been the inspiration for the series. Recently another grandson a few months old.


  2. loricarlson66 June 22, 2015 / 2:59 am

    Congrats! I hope you have much success with this!

    Liked by 1 person

      • loricarlson66 June 22, 2015 / 4:26 am

        You are most welcome 🙂 just wish I knew some young ones to introduce them to your series.

        Liked by 1 person

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