A Soul For Some Lemons


     My soul mate, Mary and I, like to plant and grow things, especially things we can eat.  We currently have several small lemon trees started from seed growing in pots.  These are organic lemons, lemons full of happiness and bright sunshine.

     I watch over each tree from blossom to fruit.  I have a growing knowledge and awareness of their everyday existence.  I can go so far as to say I know each tree’s lemons as individuals and small groups congregating on various limbs.  When there should be seven on a tree it does not escape me if I find only six or three or even one. Continue reading

On the Road, Unplugged


 Mary, somewhere in the United States

Country roads, scenic vistas, no internet.

There are few places the woeful news doesn’t seep, even here, where the rivers run with fish into the Huron, where the cardinals sit on thistle thrones and where the mockingbirds have never heard a car alarm.

Unfortunately, Monsanto’s footprints are in the corn, they are in the soybeans and the faces of the sunflowers.  They are in the pollen and the hives of bees.

The bees die and the deer grow sterile from pesticides and Roundup Ready modified genes.

The dirty fingers of dirty men are found in everything including our heads.  Don’t buy into it, fight Monsanto and their GMO seeds or the battle is lost.

Praise to El Salvador for taking steps to kick Monsanto and their dirty seeds out the door.

Richard Rensberry, Author at QuickTurtle Books®