Common Sense, Snake Oil


“Any need for a chemical or drug, be the need be derived via mind or body can be considered an addiction.  Creating that need and addiction is the job of modern day advertisers, kinfolk to the old snake oil salesmen that once sold cure-all elixirs filled with alcohol, opium, heroine, cocaine, etc.  Drug companies spend billions of dollars in advertising annually for the chance to catch you with your eyes closed and your pants down.  Their ads are plastered all over the internet and on TV.  You see them in magazines and on billboards.  Men (presumably with erectile dysfunction) sit around 24/7 thinking up new ads to get you hooked mentally or physically on one of their “products”.  Annually, only a handful of innocent people are killed as a result of police brutality.  The police are kittens and lambs compared to these snake oil crackers.  Drug companies kill thousands upon thousands of innocent people annually with their poisonous elixirs.  If you feel a need to vent your anger, pick a worthy opponent like Phizer.  Or how about Monsanto? Most policemen I have met are great guys and gals.  They are your friends, they’re not your enemy.”

Richard Rensberry, Author at QuickTurtle Books™

Common Sense, Deluge


Today is a day to make Noah happy.  The ducks are rejoicing along with the geese.  There are night crawlers reveling in the streets and turtles with their eyes to the Heavens. The protesters are all holed up, hiding in their little dark rooms having to wallow in the mire of their discontent.  Good riddance, I say, it’s a beautiful day.  A deluge, tranquillity blessed in a chair on the porch with the rain like Angel’s singing.  A glorious day to wring your thoughts.  Glory to the storm.  Glory to love and my beautiful wife.  I am happy.  I am present and content with the rain.

Richard Rensberry, Author at QuickTurtle Books™

Common Sense, Anarchy 2014

“Freedom of Speech has absolutely nothing to do with the right to promote and carry out anarchy.  The intent of The Constitution is not and never has been anarchism.  These so called “protests” in Berkeley, California are not protests.  They are ANARCHY.  They are the product of anti-social reactionaries without constructive intent.  Their intent is the coercive intent of terrorism.  It is to disrupt and frustrate anyone and everyone into a state of chaos.  They are dragging the last remnants of Freedom three steps backwards against a wall and one step short of a blindfold.  Sooner or later someone is bound to pull the trigger.  If they do, the verdict isn’t going to be in favor of those wearing Anonymous masks and sporting baseball bats.  The verdict will be in favor of the Government.  If you choose to participate in the terrorist ideals of anarchism and die as the result, it’ll be deemed and ruled as suicide in the eyes of  civilized women and men.”

This post is Freedom of Speech.   Coercing someone less intelligent to chain themselves to the railroad tracks is not, it is criminal as the doings of Jim Ward’s character Snidely Whiplash.

Richard Rensberry, Author at QuickTurtle Books™





Snidely Whiplash by Jim Ward