Stoned and Depressed


Drugs are tricksters.

Drugs are imps.   They’ll tickle you.

They’ll mess with your head.    They’ll stare you down

and win.   Drugs are hostile

with a smile.   They’ll make you cringe.   They’ll make you laugh

with a knife menacing your back.   Drugs are punks.

Drugs are demons.   They are

brothers with no compassion, sisters with no remorse.

Drugs remember.   Drugs forget.

They stink, they lie, they cheat.   Drugs

are the epitome of deceit.


Richard Rensberry, Author at QuickTurtle Books

Common Sense 2014 Issue 8: Direct-to-Consumer Advertising


Do you find it inappropriate that drug companies are allowed to blatantly advertise prescription drugs to the general public on TV, radio, the Internet, etc.? It’s called Direct-to-Consumer advertising.

Prescription drugs are certainly not direct to the consumer products. They are doctor to patient products. That’s why they are PRESCRIPTION DRUGS. Prescription drugs are pushed to the tune of somewhere between $30,000,000,000.00 (that’s billion) and $60 billion annually to both the general public and their physicians. $61,000.00 per year per doctor are spent by drug companies promoting prescription drugs to those doctors.

This is a staggering amount of money just to get someone’s attention in order to sell them some hit and miss pharmaceutical chemicals mass produced in a lab. Chemicals that are toxic to the human body in one form or another. Chemicals that should be used only as a last resort on patients and not the first. In many instances the side effects of these chemicals are way worse than the malady purported as being fixed-when in actuality the malady is not fixed at all. Most drugs fix nothing, they simply treat the symptoms by creating other symptoms that then need another drug to treat those symptoms, ad infinitum. Before you know it, companies like Phizer have you hooked on seven or eight medications just to manage all of the symptoms created by the first medication on the chain.

How’s that for a pyramid scheme to steal your hard earned money to create billions more in advertising? This advertising is then used to create thousands upon thousands more unsuspecting clients. Then more advertising and more patients. CRAZY.

Do you subscribe or should I say prescribe to this? I don’t. I find it appalling and believe it is time to do something about it. It is time to think about banning drug companies from this gross practice of Direct-to-Consumer advertising. I’ve heard more than enough about 4 hour erections, internal bleeding, suicidal thoughts, etc.

I am contemplating starting an online petition to ban these multi-billion dollar corporations from Direct-to-Consumer advertising. Would you sign it?

Richard Rensberry, Author at QuickTurtle Books™



There are times people have to stop what they are doing.  We have to examine ourselves and our actions.  We have to take the blinders off and look at the bottom line, truth.  We are not slaves.  We are not pre-programmed robots with pre-programmed responses.  We are thinking sentient beings ultimately responsible for our own thoughts, our own actions and inactions that result in reality.  We are responsible for ourselves as well as the well being of our children.  We are responsible for their physical and mental make-up and health.  We are responsible for their up-bringing.  After all, they are children.

Presently, it is a cruel reality that millions of kids are being labeled with and drugged for imaginary mental disorders by people that have chosen to put and keep their blinders on.  Kids are not mentally ill.  Let me repeat that.  KIDS ARE NOT MENTALLY ILL.  They are just kids in need of good parenting, good nutrition, sound goals and purposes, good physical education habits, good fun and constructive activities.  They also need sound spiritual principles and spiritual mentors on their path to adulthood.  Given those things most children thrive.  What they don’t need are drugs.

Drugs are poison.  Drugs are irresponsible.  Drugs are cruel.  Drugs are spiritual murder and a cop out by those that should be held accountable.  Us.  I know we have created and live in a very mechanistic and self-centered society.  That does not justify this barbaric behavior of shrugging off our own responsibilities onto the shoulders of innocent children.  They are not responsible.  They are not mentally ill.  They are being subjected to the punishment of strong psychotropic drugs instead of being helped.  They are thrown into the darkness of being alone and betrayed.  It’s time to stop and examine the repercussions of what we are doing.  It’s time to wake up.  This isn’t a dream.

Richard Rensberry, Author at QuickTurtle Books™




I’m tired…

tired of breathing

life into things

life into houses

life into cars

life into moving

this to there

and there to here

I’m tired

of going to things

going to work

going to get

going there to here

and there and back

I’m tired

of doing to things

doing the taxes

doing the dishes

doing this to that

and that to this

I’m tired

of way too much

too much noise

too much traffic

too many people

and that horrible

horrible news we make

I’m tired

of my own complaints.


Richard Rensberry, Author at QuickTurtle Books™